With the Commonwealth Games 2010 due to start in a few weeks, the theme song has been launched. Composed by A R Rahman, the theme song is “Jiyo, Utho, Bado, Jeeto” (Translated from Hindi “Live, Rise, Ascend, Win”).
Click here to listen to the track. I personally have liked the track quite a bit.
I do believe that the IOC could have at least created an official account with YouTube and uploaded the song. This would have helped with the popularity and visibility of the theme song. However, a search for the “cwg 2010 theme song” just lists a lot of tracks that have been begged, borrowed or stolen (along with ready-reckoner download links) by unauthorized people. The Commonwealth Games Committee should pull up its socks and try to salvage some pride. After all, the theme song may be only good thing that could come out of XIX Commonwealth Games 2010, Delhi.
What do you think about the music? Do note them in the comments section.